Tuesday, January 15, 2008

and thus it has begun-ed

Today was a rather enriching day (especially for being my first day of classes). Today I only had two classes, on Thursday I will have three, consisting of photography and commercial art (and then a computer education course AKA microsoft word for five year olds - I'm going to kill myself in there). Both of the art classes are taught by the same teacher that I can't stand! This time around I do believe things will be different. The photography department has gone completely digital and upgraded to a room stocked with the G5 iMacs and Adobe Creative Suite 3. In photography class this morning my professor vowed to be less likable and more of a instructor/ass (which is funny because I like him as a person, but despise him as a professor). On top of this, as oppose to the normal 4-6 assignments we do per semester, the class will now be required to turn in around 10 completed photos every week (shit yeah!) along with the 4-6 main assignments.
When I got to my communication art class I was in fear of doing things in Photoshop that I had learned in high school... BUT, we will be strictly working in flash and dreamweaver!!!! So I won't be doing ALL the lame simple things other art students have been complaining about since the class had first been offered. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading up on the subject since I don't know shit about flash. This class is gonna be awesome... although I am knocking on wood at the moment so as not to jinx myself... :/
In other news... I think the macbook air come out today... what a waist of money! Mac is becoming what North Face has become to the wealthy.....

That is all I have to say about that.