Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Ello, ello.
Well, I'm thinking of closing one of my blogs (seeing as how I
have 3) and, actually blogging. For some reason I think I'm supposed
to talk about myself and my life on my blog... but I hate doing that
because I find myself so dammed boring. So from here on out the
subject will mostly be about photography since that is one of the few
topics I can talk about for days. I'll throw in an update on my life
here and there but really, who cares about that.
So, as a semi-last post, here is what's up. I just finished my
senior exhibition and was actually able to earn back what I'd spent on
supplies! Over all it went well, so many people showed up, there were
even a couple friends that came in from Dallas. Sadly I had little
time to visit/hamg with any friends since the fam was there :/ and had
a party planned for me.
This Saturday will mark the end of my career as an undergrad and
the start of... something. Kim got into the OU law program so I have
to find a job to support the two of us and a place to live (with 3
cats) really soon! I must say that I was worried about finding a job
in the Norman area but after a couple job offers in town and my
professors' advice I feel much more confident now.
Erm, I'm mildly hooked on iPhone photos. It has become the
(expensive ass) toy camera of my generation... I guess. There is
little control when taking the photo and editing capabilities are
rather minimal, so it tends to be of the moment AND is great when it
comes to instant gratification!
I leave with an iPhone pic.

ps the blogs I'll be keeping are my lj and the new-ish one

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Maybe now?

> So here I am in Oklahoma visiting the fam & I have managed to
> download a few apps for blogging/Flickr on my phone but I still find
> the best way is to upload via the email. This is just another email
> test, not a real post yet btw. Well, I'll call it a half post... If
> only my phone had spell check!!!
> A little about the image: Kim and I drew this a week ago... :/ so
> much for my degree in finger painting.
> I have recently come to the conclusion that in order to successfully
> continue blogging I must post about things other than myself... but
> before I do that... I'm considering just letting my Flickr account
> run out, sadly I could use that $30 for something far more useful.
> So in the mean time I'm going to link all my blogs together, check
> out loud tweet(?), and find a way to post/share random photos on my
> own site instead of Flickr... we shall see.

Testing yet again

Say what?

Testing the uploadedness/randomousness

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Gonna try and start blogging again, I have another blog for basic photo stuffs... I just want a place to post all the other random things I come across.

So again, this is just a test.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So tonight I spent a good 4 hours in the print studio, it was soo nice to get away from my computer. Don't get me wrong I loves
me some computer time, but after photoshop'n at work for 9 hrs to come home and work on my senior exhibition, ugh.
I forget, and quite often, how soothing drawing can be. Working in pen and having to work out problems before acting, ain't no command 'z' here.

Meh, time for bed.

ps I'm testing out a new app on the phone....

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