Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Can't Even Sleep Straight

I must say, I just had the most incredible weekend ever! I got to sleep in late 'till 9 in the morning, rushed off to be at work by 10! Saturday was free picture day, (thank the gods I volunteered myself, and camera, to take the photos) so every mom in a 5 mile radius brought there lil kid dressed up for Halloween to get his, her, it's photo taken. In actuality I can't really complain, taking photos was the easy part of that day, I had fun making facing at all of the kids, attempting to get them to laugh or smile, on the occasion that I remembered to do so I'd hand a a bit of candy or so. At 2pm when photos were through I went to check on my coworker Samantha, (she had been dealing with the ordering and printing half -3/4's really- of the job) and boy was she swamped! So I spent the rest of the day helping out in the photo lab and doing random shit around walgreens. As soon as my 9hr. shift was up I went home for an hour to eat and then was off to work on my metals project 'till bout 12:30am (a might bit early to call it quits).
This morning I had been comissioned (so to speak) to take Kristen's senior portraits. Kristen and I were out only a little over an hour before calling it quits and having lunch with Kim and the fam... whoosh! I'm off to work yet again! Tonight I ended up staying an hour late, we were so busy today I didn't get any of my regular duties done (face isles, sweep the store, trash, blah), so I ended up stay until 12am. Now I'm home... I a semi critique in photo, and a real critique in metals... solution I'm NOT going to photography tomorrow! But I will have my shit done for metal, boy that is for sure!

G'night all,


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